Posts tagged with "latinamerican art"

Musical Interpretation
08. July 2024
Music can transport us back in time or take us to a dreamed future. It awakens memories and elevates us to finer thoughts. Music unifies us with nature and the cosmos, with others and with ourselves. Paintings do the same but in a different way. Music is more subtle whereas visual art is more direct.
(Paz Viola) When I create my images, I rely on the surrealist technique
05. November 2023
To me, these images are the poetics of light channeled by the artist as a conduit. The light is transmitted from elsewhere—perhaps from an alternate universe

25. October 2023
Perhaps human beings who walked the Earth millions of years ago saw transparent space where we now perceive physical objects; likewise, it is possible that at some point in the future we will see solid, physical objects where we now see transparent space.
The cave evokes the feminine
25. September 2023
Ancient cultures regarded caves as places where transcendental experiences occurred: they were the first sanctuaries; they were gateways to the underworld, to the interior of the Earth itself. In the beginning there was chaos and wilderness, where the earliest humans took to the caves for survival, regarding them as sacred shelters. The epitome of this cave-shelter symbol is that of the womb of the Mother Earth, a place of solace—a common motif across times and cultures.

Light Art is but light embodied. – Paz Viola
01. September 2023
Light is the other face of darkness. Light and darkness symbolize complementary or alternating values of the evolutionary processes.
Photos of exhibitions
09. May 2023
Photos of some of the exhibitions in galleries and contemporary art fair in Beijing, China, 2022 and 2023