"All works are born from the pulsation of inspiration: all images are born from a point and a line." It's like another layer of human thinking, another territory that will suddenly give me a sense of timelessness.
Art is of utmost importance for the world: it is an instrument and an important form of human dialogue. Art is the cornerstone upon which culture is built, and throughout the history of art we see the most significant manifestations of being. Art has transformed, from political and social critique and voice of advocacy to a more universal, spiritual and cosmic expression.
Mauricio, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far.
Many life situations inspire me – artists are a little different in the sense that we see differently. I was born in a small town on the shore of La Plata River with the most gorgeous sunsets in the world, carnival, Murgas, candombe, bohemian life, good wine and beautiful women, contemporary artist in New York